It's giving

All the rewards when you combine orders with mates, without changing the way you shop


How it works

Discover the latest purchases
See what friends & others have purchased and check out deliveries happening near you. Buy something you've seen, want or maybe you need a little retail therapy.
Piggyback on their order
After your purchase, join deliveries near you. Someone is delivering their order to your sorority house, workplace or apartment - join it and ship it together. It's Uber Pool for shopping.
Huge rewards instantly yours
Free shipping made more eco-friendly plus instant cashback. Shipping fees are refunded instantly for your combined delivery.

Get free shipping & cashback

Unlock free shipping and cashback by teaming up with friends or fellow Mateshippers for your online shopping deliveries. The more purchases delivered as a group, the bigger your rewards.


Make a difference to the planet

All good vibes when you join our community of Mateshippers using the most eco-friendly way to deliver your shopping. With less package waste and fuel emissions, you can feel good about your lower carbon footprint.


Questions we're frequently asked

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